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Donald trump

Best of US election Donald Trump popularity 2024.

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Best of US election candidates Donald Trump popularity is higher among other candidates of 2024. The 45th president of The United States born in 14th June 1946 is a media personality, businessman and an American politician. He is the son of Fred trump and Marry Anne MacLeod.

Donald trump received his bachelor of science in economics from the university of Pennsylvania back in 1968. Later on he joined his father’s real estate business in 1971, after joining his father’s business he formed the company and invested in casinos, golf course, hotels and many series of businesses.

In 2016 Donald trump won the presidential election on behalf of republican party against democratic party candidate Hillary Clinton. According to some intelligence reports a news aired that, Russia interfered in the election of 2016 to support Donald trump’s election campaign and make him win against Hillary Clinton.

During his election campaign Donald trump came up with some new strategies to connect with civilians and voters. In campaign, Donald trump used to communicate through suggestive statements with his public speaking capability. Donald trump got close to voters. Talked with them with conviction, tried to solve their rising issues through suggestive ideas. Even Donald trump is also known for animal lover. Whenever he see’s any pet, he didn’t hesitate to love them.

donald trump, USA election 2024

Donald trump’s social media presence got attraction globally when he joined Twitter back in 2009 during his election campaign. Back in 2016, Donald trump twitted randomly and that caused bann from Twitter.
Eventually Donald trump used to announce terminations of administrational members through Twitter. That also caused huge attraction via Twitter.


In republican party Donald trump served 1987-1999, from 1999 to 2001 he stood with RPUSA 2001-2009 he joined democratic party. Donald trump served us US president from 20th January 2017 to 20th January 2021. According to Google search for Donald trump as primary candidates rate is 40%! which seems pretty strong popularity among all other candidates for the US election of 2024.

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Share with your communityDonald John Trump. Best of US election candidates Donald Trump popularity is higher among other candidates of 2024. The 45th president of The United States born in 14th June 1946 is a media personality, businessman and an American politician. He is the son of Fred trump and Marry Anne MacLeod. PERSONAL LIFE…

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Share with your communityDonald John Trump. Best of US election candidates Donald Trump popularity is higher among other candidates of 2024. The 45th president of The United States born in 14th June 1946 is a media personality, businessman and an American politician. He is the son of Fred trump and Marry Anne MacLeod. PERSONAL LIFE…

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